Room B/29 Friend Street, Harristown


Single Room - Double bed - Fully Furnished INTERNET INCLUDED
With shared living areas including the lounge, dining, kitchen and bathroom.
The kitchen features an electric bench top stove, marble bench tops and plenty of cupboard space.
Bredroom includes Queen sized bed and bedding, small study table and chair.

The back yard has a tennis court marked out and is fully fenced within a 6ft fence surround, there is also a gate for side access to the back yard.

The property is centrally located, within walking distance to the Kmart Centre with Aldi, Coles and Woolworths, plus walking distance to USQ, Darling Heights State School and both Harristown Primary and High Schools.

Don't miss out on this fabulous opportunity!

Important Information: Water and electricity included. Tenants are not responsible for the garden/lawn maintenace.
Special Conditions: No smoking inside the property, 6-12 month lease available.

Please Note: Please do not enter the property without a Copas Newnham representative.
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